Constellation: Ursa Major
Family: Ursa Major Family
Keyword: Teach
Symbol: Large Bear
When I think of Ursa Major, I think of the mama bear leading her baby. I think of the drinking gourd that former slaves followed during dangerous journeys to reach freedom. I think of the North Star being seen as a symbol of direction. I think of guidance. That’s what teaching is. It’s guidance and it's direction.
If you pull this card, you are likely on the giving side of the lesson to be taught. How can you guide and direct others in ways that are best for them, not just for you? Like the stereotype of the mama bear, make sure that your lessons do not become overbearing. Make sure they are firm but gentle and leading the recipient to make their own decisions. Guide and direct them, but do not directly lead them to what you think is best. Part of teaching is also allowing others to figure things out for themselves, even if you did offer them a bit of guidance. You cannot force someone to absorb the information that you offer them and the Universe cannot force you to take in its messages. Only the individual receiving the lesson can truly take in what you are teaching them. Think of this as a gentle nudge.
There are so many ways to teach others, but I think you can best categorize each way under two main labels: active and passive. When you actively teach someone, you are aware of what’s happening. It’s what happens when you host a class online or show your child how to tie their shoes. Passive teaching, however, may be something that you don’t realize you’re doing or something that is subtle. It’s kind of like when you post a photograph on Instagram and someone learns of a new use for a common household item or when your pet realizes that hearing your keys jingle means that you’re leaving. Although you may not be aware of your position as teacher, others are. When this card shows up, consider what you can teach those around you. It may be a lesson through a story of your childhood or a guide about how to edit your photos to attract more customers. It could even be a link to a DIY tutorial that you found interesting.
There are also several styles of teaching. Figuring out what your style of teaching is can help you be a better teacher. If you're interested in learning more about teaching styles, take this teaching style quiz and learn more about the teaching styles. Keep in mind that these resources are about formal teaching inside a classroom. Still, you can adapt them to discover and understand your personal teaching style. Even then, this is not definite or all-encompassing. You likely have some characteristics of each learning style with one that is more prominent. And this may change`.
Many of the constellations in the night sky are animals. That means they also have meanings as animal guides. The Bear is a strong, confident leader that is often depicted with young cubs. This shows the protective and teaching qualities of the Bear. We also know that Bears hibernate during harsher seasons. We all go through seasons of life, so why shouldn't we rest when necessary? Conserving energy during difficult times makes you stronger during times when you can thrive. If this card comes up with other cards about self-care or meditation, this interpretation may be more accurate.
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